Monday, March 26, 2012

How cursors work internally and what's the most efficient way?

The system in question is on SQL Server 7.0/sp4.
I use a cursor to rebuild index (DBCC DBREINDEX). The database has size of around 57+ GB while the fragmentation causes the size to hover around 100 GB Mark (drive where data device exists is around 140 GB while the log device drive has 35 GB empty space as well... so space is not a problem).
What's happening is that previously when there were around 1600+ tables, the scheduled task run without a problem. However, for last two weeks the scheduled task ends in failure. I checked and found 2 tables with errors that I fixed with DBCC CHECKTABLE.
What puzzles me is that there were some (I think 2 tables) that got stuck as I try to run the same script through Query Analyzer that I run scheduled. However, when rebuilt indexes manually for those tables individually, it was done in no time. What kind of problem does this show?
For using the STATIC option, how much space should I have on tempdb? currently we have 10 GB.
Thanks a lot!
MZeeshanHi MZeeshan,
My name is Michael and I would like to thank you for using Microsoft
According on your description, I am not quite clear what the problem is on
your side. I would like you to provide more information so that I can help
you narrow down this issue.
1. What is your accurate concern? As I understand, the job failed and table
occurred on your side, however, after you fix using DBCC CHECKTABLE, the
error always occurs next time on the same table. If I have misunderstood,
please feel free to let me know and describe it in detail.
2. If you DBCC DBREINDEX on the 2 tables in another job, did the same
problem occur again?
Also, I would like you to provide the following detailed information so
that I can perform further research on my side.
1. When the job failed, what is the error message? Please provide the
detailed error message.
2 Please provide the Sqldiag.txt using Sqldiag utility. You can send it to
me at
For more in formation regarding sqldiag utility, please refer to the
following article on SQL Server Books Online.
Topic: "Sqldiag Utility"
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Michael Shao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.|||Hi Muhammad,
According to your description, I understand that when you performed DBCC
DBREINDEX individually for each table, there is not any problem. However,
when you run the scripts in a job, which performed the DBCC DBREINDEX
command for very small tables in a loop with cursor, the job didn't
complete in expected time. If I have misunderstood, please feel free to let
me know.
It is a hard work reviewing the scripts and Sqldiag.txt. According to the
error log, it seems that there are not any abnormal things occurring.
I would like you to provide the following information so that I can narrow
down this issue.
1. Can you please tell me how long it takes to finish running the SQL
scripts? I also would like to know your expected time.
2. Please try to perform the same script on another database, does the same
problem occur? Does the problem only occur on a specific database having
many small tables?
Please try to use the following script to see if it will decrease the
execute time.
DECLARE @.TableName varchar(300)
DECLARE @.DisplayString varchar(255)
Select all table names for REINDEX
FROM sysobjects o
WHERE o.type = 'U'
OPEN MainTableNamesCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM MainTableNamesCursor INTO @.TableName
WHILE (@.@.fetch_status <> -1)
IF (@.@.fetch_status <> -2)
SELECT @.DisplayString = 'REINDEX ' + @.TableName
SELECT @.DisplayString
EXEC ('DBCC DBREINDEX (' + @.TableName + ')')
FETCH NEXT FROM MainTableNamesCursor INTO @.TableName
DEALLOCATE MainTableNamesCursor
Also, due to the complexity of this issue, it would be best to contact
Microsoft Product Support Services via telephone so that a dedicated
Support Professional can assist with your request. To obtain the phone
numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site
listed below.;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS
Michael Shao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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This posting is provided "as is" with no warranties and confers no rights.

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