Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How do i ?! Basic Select Statement

I have an sql data command is something like this.

Select password from users where username = Username.Text

how can i retrieve the password value and save it into a string?! to make a comparison between password value and a textbox Password.Text

i know its a silly question but i took me long time and i still can't find the ans

We are going to need a little more context to evaluate your exact situation, and how to do what you ask, but here's 1 method:

Dim sqlConn as new SqlConnection("connection string here")

Dim sqlCmd as new SqlCommand("SELECT password from users where username = @.username", SqlConn)

sqlCmd.Paramaters.AddwithValue("@.username", username.text)

Dim DA as new SqlDataAdapter(SqlCmd)

Dim DT as new DataTable


Dim myString as string = DT.rows(0).item("password").value ' This line may not be totally correct, doing it from memory and will edit it later

If myString.tolower = stringToCompare.tolower then

'Password is valid


'Password could be valid - but something threw you into the else statment, maybe an empty string.

end if


Connection string and select command are already defined in the SqlDataSource.

how can you use the SqlDataSource to extract the value of the password?

i tried to use a hidden GridView but i didn't know how to access a specific cell

by the way i am using C#


The above example is a much cleaner method of getting information like this. Putting a hidden gridview on your page is a VERY heavy method of trying to extract a single value, but it can be done.

Please see this article on how to extract a Datatable from the SqlDataSource control. Once you've done that, you can access a specific row of your datatable as mentioned above.

I really have to recomend against this method though. If you insist on using the SqlDataSouce control to get this done, consider putting two hidden textbox on the page, and binding the value that comes back from the database to the hidden textbox, then use a compare validator and only let the user continue if page.isvalid.

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