Friday, March 30, 2012

How do I append a row to SQL results?

I have a problem with a dropdowncontrol. It is databound, but I need to add "select..." to be the first item in the dropdown. Here is the SQL:

SELECT * FROM [PB_Subtopics] Where BriefID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue

So the problem I am having is I can't just make an item in the dropdownlist called "select..." and then use appenddatabounditems="true". I'm using ajax and it keeps appending stuff over an over without resetting. So I think I'm going to have to do this within the sql.

So maybe that was more information than you needed to know. Anyone know how to make the first row of my SQL results be "select..." or whatnot with a value of 0.

You need to do this kind of thing at the front end.


You can do this with a UNION. Something like this:

"SELECT 0, 'Select...'
SELECT * FROM [PB_Subtopics] Where BriefID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue

The number of fields in the first SELECT has to match the second, so adjust that as needed. And I've put in line breaks here to make it clearer what is happening, but it is all one string in what I assume is VB.NET. Adjust as needed for your code.

Also, you might need to use UNION ALL instead of just UNION, depending on your data.

Put the 'Select...' in the field location where the data used to display the item in the dropdown list.

Make sense?




I have a problem with a dropdowncontrol. It is databound, but I need to add "select..." to be the first item in the dropdown. Here is the SQL:

SELECT * FROM [PB_Subtopics] Where BriefID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue

So the problem I am having is I can't just make an item in the dropdownlist called "select..." and then use appenddatabounditems="true". I'm using ajax and it keeps appending stuff over an over without resetting. So I think I'm going to have to do this within the sql.

So maybe that was more information than you needed to know. Anyone know how to make the first row of my SQL results be "select..." or whatnot with a value of 0.

Try this:

1-- Get The Result Set2SELECT Col1, Col2, Col33From MyTable45UNION-- to append67SELECT'MyRowValueForCol1','MyRowValueForCol2','MyRowValueForCol3'-- columns value of the row you want to append to the result set8FROM MyRowTable-- if you are geeting this row from table OR you can ignor this line if the values are hard coded9

Good luck.


You can have the resultset modified using one of the above techniques, that should work.

You can also turn on append databound items and turn off viewstate (Viewstate will prevent the multiple additions as well as cut down the size of your page and the response you get back).

Or you can just add this type of code:

Sub ddlMyDropdown_databound(sender as object,e as object) handles ddlMydropdown.databound

ctype(sender,dropdown).items.insert(0,new listitem("Select...",""))

end sub


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