Monday, March 26, 2012

how create mining model

i have a problem, because i have 3 tables.
One name "CallPair" contain: id- identity number, from - phone number, to - phone number.
Second name "Talk" contain: id - identity number, callPairId - id from "CallPair" table, date
Third name "Transaction" contain: id - identity number is a number of transaction, idTalk - id from Talk table, callNr - number of talk in transaction

I want mining model to sequence clustering, but i don't know how build case and nested table

If you are trying to build a model across all phone numbers to see what number a customer is likely to call next, or use perform any anaysis across all numbers, sequence clustering is not likely to work very well.

Sequence Clustering works well when you have less than 100 possible sequence states. You could categorize calls potentially and sequence those - e.g. user recieves call, doesn't answer, sends text message, makes free call, etc. and then use Sequence Clustering.

In any case, I would need to know more about the problem you are trying to solve to advise how to build a model.

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